4-8-2010 Lots of things have been hapening in the last 9 months. Kimara Silvan Naleerah has been made a Champion in her third show. Nicky (Cerebro Lyubovnik Dunoe) moved to Australia to Kimara cattery of Lucy Nikiforos in Perth and has been shown there with succes. Thanks Lucy, for being the best surogate mother for my boy I could wish. He is now also a Champion. My Kimara girls have both been mated and Mischea (Kimara Royalblu Mischea) is definitly very pregnant and will be delivered of Gr.Int.Ch. Troika Sivi Tovaritsj babies around august 21st. Nelly (Kimara Silvan Naleerah) has been mated by Gr.Eur.Ch. Glasnost Fengal and with a bit of luck, will have babies by him around september 17th. Iulinka van Terra de Bernescot and Marenka Dunoe have both been retired from breeding and are living the good life of the spayed, getting a bit fatter and enjoying the rest. In the mean while, Aline Siva Katyusha has been givven the Suprelorin implant to give her a bit of rest from breeding. She is doing absolutely wonderful. Sadly, we had to rehome our big sweety Danitchka, as she was more and more stressed out by the coming and going of cats and kittens. Cattery life isn't hers, so we found her an excellent home where she is pampered and cuddled all day.Thanks Emile, for taking such good care of her! 1-11-2009 On her first show, the Neocat Russian Blue special some weeks ago, Kimara Royalblu Mischea won Best Russian Blue kitten 6-10 months and Best in Show female 6-10 months! She was a relaxed exhibitor who was very interested in her surroundings and obviously did not mind being on show. She loved being cuddled and held and was very friendly to the other cats in her neighborhood. Nicky and Marenka had less luck. They were both runners up in their classes but spend the day in cosiness together in a basket in the cage. Nicke even nursed with his grandmother again, wich was a funny sight as he's much bigger than her! Sivi got his second certificate for the European title. In a couple of weeks we will be visiting shows again and Nelly will also make her show debut in Holland. Another happy anouncement: Iulinka is ecpecting kittens from Sivi, our stud. If all goes well she will have them around december 21st. 05-09-2009 Cattery Dunoe is proud to present the newest editions to our cattery! On august 18, Mackenzie (Kimara Royalblu Mischea) and Nellie (Kimara Silvan Naleerah) came from Australia to bring new blood in our cattery. Mackenzie lives with Erinn in The Hague where she will hopefully produce offspring for our Cattery with the same lovely character, beauty and health as she herself has. In the mean time Erinn will have the full joy of her undevided love and attention and vice versa. Erinn will breed Mackenzie under our guidance and affix. In the mean time Nellie has pretty much settled in here. She is great friends with Toesjes son Nicky (full name Cerebro Lyubovnik Dunoe, born on the verge of spring in the wee hours of march 21st). With the rest of the cats the bond is not as strong, but a bit of time will settle that.More info on Mackenzie and Nellie kan be found on the "queens" page on this website. In october we will be visiting the RBBA show in Abingdon again. seeing so many Russian Blues together will be a joy again. Also meeting old friends and maybe new ones. All in all, England in october will be nice to visit. Until then we first have a show of our own to go to. On september 27th there will be a Russian Blue Special show in Nijmegen. We will visit the show with Marenka, Nicky and Mackenzie. We hope to see many Russian Blues there too. 07-01-2009Yesterday Toesje went to the vets clinic in Amsterdam for her first HCM and PKD scan. We scan to prevent from breeding from an animal that has a genetic disease. You only have to do the PKD test once and then your animal is free of it, or not. The HCM test however should be repeated every year because the onset of this disease is different in every cat in every breed. To learn more about testing for HCM you can read the articles on Stichting Blauwe Rus-Russian Blue Foundation. The foundation also started a program to get a DNA test for HCM available for the Russian Blue. The info on how to participate is for now only on the Dutch part of the website. Luckily, HCM is not yet a breedrelated disease with the Russian Blue. We test to keep it that way. For Toesje, both test were negative, so she does not have either one of these ilnesses.Apart from the HCM/PKD scan, Toesje had her FeLV and FIV test today, also both negative. Now my girl is ready to be mated to Prince Charming. At least if she will help out me and get in heat! The four Musketeers also went to the vets today. They had their first vaccination. They are quite haevyweights for their age. They are 9 weeks old and the two lightest weigh a bit more than 1300 grams, the two biggest weigh 1500 grams each. And of course, the more macho the kitten is, the more whining it does. At home everything was alright again after a small tasty bite of food and a good hour of sleep. Their overall condition was great and everything was fine. Three of the boys had both their testicles descended, and one had only one for the moment. But he still has time and in three weeks it will probably be there too. All in all the last days were a bit busy for cats and owner alike. 28-12-2008Christmas has gone and the kittens have grown a lot. In the mean time Boris and Balomir have moved to their new home. They feel quite at home and we hear a lot of nice things about them. They have two little boy's and lots of toys to play with. But it is a bit quiet here without our two sturdy boys. Luckily Iulinka and Sivi's 4 boys are around to liven things up.For our digital Christmas card we wanted to make a nice picture of the four kitten in a basket with (plastic) Christmas ornaments. Sadly, only one of them liked our plan and stayed in the basket. But he really did his best to pose for my pictures in between having fun with the balls. ![]() Today, they did have time for me and so I FINALLY shot pictures of all separate boys. They are nice little lads with lots of mischief and fun on their minds. But they do like to cudle too! ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() 27-11-2008Last weekend we went showing with the NRKV at Wassenaar. I had the oportunity to bring Toesjes two brothers, Yevgeni and Arkadi to show. Sadly both males were scared and did not enjoy showing at all. They were a lot better when their owners came and cuddled them. In the end they did recover and did very well. Arkadi was best of the two brothers and won his class and became best neutered shorthair cat on show. Because they really did not like the showing, it will be the first and last time we'll see them on show.Toesje will also not be shown for a while, even though she got her second Championship certificate. She does not like the showing, just like her brothers. So for now, she will retire from showing. I enjoy showing very much, but not at the cats expence. I might try again when she's a bit older. Sivi got his first Grand International Champion certificate and is getting on his way to becoming a GIC. Even though showing will never be his favourite pastime, he does not really mind it. He will even make time for some games in between his show naps. Beside his certificate, Sivi also became Best Russian Blue and was nominated for Best in Show. Sivi's daughter Shiva of cattery Mothers Finest did very well also. She got a second outstanding 1 and she was unanimously chosen Best Kitten Shorthair 6-10 months by the judges. Congratulations Esther! Luckily all scared kitties were restored to their own selfs again when at home. They all started playing and cuddling again like normal. Apart from showing our cats we had several visits of funny and nice people and we had a great time! november 18th 2008And finaly the pictures of all 6 kittens. First the pictures of the 4 males of Iulinka and Sivi: ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() And of course also of the two males of Marenka and Gurindji: ![]() ![]() november 12, 2008As you see the website has been changed and updated and high time I did that.Lots of things have happened since the last update on the old websiet. Here is just a list of the recent news: - On septmber 5th 2008, Marenka got a small litter of 2 boys by ceasarian of Keehotay Gurindji Matong. It was a close call but luckily both kittens and mom got through the experience in good health. - On september 6th, Troika Sivi Tovaritsj became 4th best adult cat of Holland in the NKFV Topkat competition! Congratulations to his breeder Clare Bandy and to Esther who co-ownes Sivi with me. - On september 28th Sivi got his second International Championship certificate. One to go and he will be an International Champion. - On november 1st, Iulinka got her first litter by Sivi. She got 4 lovely little boys who are spitting images of their big, sturdy dad and are very content and growing well. - On november 9th Sivi's daughter Toesje won Best Russian Blue and her first Championship certificate. We are very proud of her! She was also nominated Best in Show but didn't win that one. - Daddy Sivi did well also on november 9th. He got his third International Championship certificate and is now an International Champion. He was also nominated Best in Show but also didn't make it. -Sivi's daughter Shiva (Mothers Finest Shivaya Yesfir), of Cattery Mothers Finest, got het first U1 in the kitten class and was also nominated Best in Show. Sadly she did not get it either. On november 23th we will be going to a show again with Sivi, Toesje and Shiva and also with Toesjes two brothers Arkadi and Yefgeni (aka Beertje and Yeffie). We hope to have the same nice results that day. The next nice thing after that will hopefully be the birth of a litter of kittens at Esther's Mothers Finest cattery. Her sweet Alkira is pregnant! Well thats it for now but more news is coming! Yasmin |